Monday, July 26, 2010

David de las Heras I am sorry, I am usually not like this.

Good afternoon, yes, yes, I know that I am starting to post really late, but it is because mornings here at my parents’ are really crazy and today for example after things got quiet I decided to go out and take some pictures (the results are --> Here, you don't have to love them, I just wanted to share). So I guess in Mexico, afternoons and nights are my new posting time.

Now! To the post! *

Some time ago I found him, like a giddy school girl I went over and over his Flickr pages; I was in love (in a really-professional-not-cheating-on-my-guy way). I just wanted to post about him, but believe it or not, I felt that I was not ready! Yes, that is how much I fell in love with his work; I thought it was better to wait, wrap my head around his pieces and understand a little what made me react the way I did, so I could do a better post for him. I left him alone for a while, returning every now and then to look and love. And today, finally, I felt that I was as ready, well as ready as I was ever going to be.

His name is David de las Heras, he is from Spain and this was the first picture I saw of him and of his work (the picture was taken by Hodei Torres, Hezur):

"Laura" en proceso ("Laura" in process)

Amazing picture no? I have little talent so images like this one drive me crazy; it seems so simple, to sit there and work, and then, somehow the painting gets done, but it is not! It is not simple at all! How can someone sit in front of a canvas of that size and just start working?! How can he do that? Be there, so calm, working. I would be crying, calling my mother to let her know: Mom, I think I am going to be OK, it turns out, I AM able of doing something with my life!! Or uploading the picture to my Facebook and tagging all my ex boyfriends with the caption: How do you like them apples?

… Yes, I guess Karma is why I have no talent… but enough about me, let’s go back to David de las Heras. He, like many other male painters has little information on his profile and I like many other crazy stalker chicks (to quote a friend) refused to take the hint and did a World Wide Web search; I got nothing, he is good. He will not be tied to a bed fearing the rage of a mallet any time soon**

My most disturbing post ever, I thought I was ready to do some really nice and cute writing, I guess not, but well writing is sometimes a stubborn and unstable beast. Nothing more to do but let you see his work:

pequeño monstruo (little monster)

pajaros en la cabeza III (birds in the head III)

Que se calle el color - detalle (I have no idea how to translate this and Google was no help,
I would say something like: Let the color hush, but it is loosing a lot in the translation)

If you want more of him in (a non violent and really professional way) here is his Flickr Photostream --> HERE.

cosmonauta (cosmonaut)

* Yes, I did do a little Batman imitation (the Comic-Con effect, I guess).
** Didn’t get it? Go watch Misery directed by Rob Reiner and based on the same-name novel by Stephen King (After my first and last encounter with the work of Stephen King, I cannot in good faith recommend you go and read the novel, but if you want to, I am sure it is worth it; only the reference changes by some degree, some rather disturbing degree).

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