Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Seri*, her pictures and some luck.

In the morning as I was starting my day I had a specific and clear though “Today I want to post about someone from Japan”; normally such an idea would drive me crazy, because I have not yet refined the art of finding an artist by country.

But, today, my mind was precise and my heart stubborn, I had to go along with it. Someone from Japan it is!.
I entered Flickr, went to my contacts’ recent uploads and started to look around, the first image that captured my attention (I kid you not) was from Seri and Seri is from (Yes! Yes! You guessed it!) Japan!

Now, I can’t explain how I happened to find someone from the exact country that I wanted (Maybe it was magic, Karma, destiny, subconscious behavior, proper knowledge in botany, a random event, dumb luck), but I can surly enlighten you on how come I came to double clicked on her picture; Her images are the most simple, clean and straightforward that I have ever seen, but still manage to be dreamlike and fantastic.

In fewer words, this is her work:


Don’t you come and tell me that you would not have double clicked on her picture! It’s amazing!

Seri has little information on her profile; she has no shop and no official web page (I did ask her and she was kind enough to write me answers to all my questions). She also told me that, if you ask her nicely and are planning on only personal use, you will probably get her images for free (but do ask! Please! It is the right thing to do).

Nice gal no? and ultra talented! I adore her work, today I was so lucky to find her picture and browse around on her photostream, you go ahead and do the same (link below), I am sure you will find many images to love.

I leave you with more from her:




Love them all? Want more? Sure you do! Go to her Flickr Photostream --> HERE

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