Thursday, December 16, 2010

Les Monstris!!!!

Hello there!

Today I had the day off from work, and I am really enjoying it. Finally there are no mails to send, letters to reply, or important files to print, so, I get to stay home and spend my time as I wish. It’s bliss.

To tell the truth, it took me a while to understand that I needed to fill my morning with personal activities, yes, I must fess up; I did spend more time than what I would care to admit sitting in front of the computer doing nothing. Just waiting. Luckily my loyal camera, Lolita, was there to snap me out of my haze just in time to make good use of the sun.

After an hour or so of pictures, I decided that it was a perfect time to take a break and do some blogging. So, here I am.

And today, I have a really nice artist to feature! I just found her and I am so in love with her pieces. Her name is Ninon and she is from Berlin, Germany and she is the creator and crafter of Les Monstris. And just what are Les Monstris? Well!!!! Look!

Rutger Baauwulf and Edweeno Windowdeen!
Grenoble Bykovsky
Nestor Von Racletten
The Twin Sisters: Norma and Loretta Springbud
I think they are some of the most incredibly cute and amazing plush toys I have seen in a long time! Each little doll is unique and magnificent; I want so many of them!! I love that many of them seem sad or are actually crying. Ninon has great imagination and adds details to her dolls with a lot of care and humor. Love!

Take your time and browse her Flickr Photostream (Here) you will not regret it, or you can visit her blog (Here). And!! If you are as in love as I am and ready to get your own little monster then go to her Etsy shop (Here), right now she is having a sale!

Laughlin Antjesund

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